St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


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Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4

Class 4 is taught by Ms Coleman on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and Mrs Digby on Thursday.  Our TAs are Mrs Spink, Mrs JT and Mrs Upton

We look forward to instilling a love of learning in your children so that that they can be the best they can be.


As writers we will be learning to - 

We will be looking at stories from other cultures, narrative poetry and explanatory texts.  We will also be writing diary entries and newspaper reports based on some of the topics we have covered during the year.  We will continue to work on characterisation through dialogue and use a variety of descriptive devices to enhance our writing.

Group Of Children Writing Clipart | Letters Format pertaining to Group Of Children  Writing Clipart 201824441 in 2020 | Elementary activities, Kids writing,  Writing posters

As Mathematicians we will be learning to –

Multiply and divide using written methods using 2 and 3 digit numbers.  We will also continue our work on fractions, finding fractions of a quantity and exploring equivalent fractions.  We will end the year thinking about time; looking at hours, minutes and seconds and using analogue and digital clocks to tell the time.

Children are also encouraged to use Times Table Rock Stars regularly to improve their knowledge of times tables.


In Computing, we will learn about software and how we can develop our own.  We will analyse existing games and identify what makes them effective.  We will create a working prototype of our own game and develop the functionality and explore the interface, evaluating how we could improve our game.


 As linguists we will learn about the calendar.   We will learn how to read, write and say each day of the week and the months of the year.  We will also learn how to ask and answer questions about the calendar and   develop our knowledge of numbers to 20.


As theologians we will be Christianity, thinking about Pentecost and the impact that it had on Christians.  We will look at scripture from the Bible and learn how artists have depicted the events of Pentecost.  We will also bring together all the faiths that we have studied this year and think about the question 'How and why do people mark significant events of life'.

As scientists we will be learning about Electricity and Sound

We will look at the different components used to make electrical circuits and the need for a complete circuit in order for a bulb to light.  We will also look at the impact of electrical appliances on the world around us.  We will also find out what Sound is and discover how it travels in waves into our ears.  We will explore pitch and loudness and how these can be measured


As musicians we will be introduced to texture in music.

We will listen to harmonies and sing a harmony in two parts.  We will also work together to invent our own lyrics, sing rounds and canons and evaluate our performances.  We will be able to describe some of the stylistic features of folk music and apply singing techniques to extend our vocal range.

As historians, we will be learning about – Ancient Egypt

We will learn who the ancient Egyptians were and where they lived, who were some of the other ancient civilisations and what they achieved.  We will also learn about the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms and what the ancient Egyptians believed in, focusing on the findings in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

As geographers we will be learning about – Mapping Skills and the River Nile

Mapping Skills.    We will define, know, compare and contrast the major environmental regions of Europe, Russia, North America and South America and apply what we know in our work. 

We will also recap what we learnt about rivers at the beginning of the term, focusing on the journey of the River Nile..  

As athletes we will be learning how to play cricket, perfecting our bowling and batting technique.  We will learn the rules of netball and practice our shooting and defending skills.  We will also use Sports Day as a focus to develop our athletic abilities.

Our PE sessions are on WEDNESDAYS.   The children should come to school in their PE Kits including white trainers as most of our PE will take place outside.  They will also need a navy tracksuit for when the weather is cooler.


As artists we will be focusing on Painting and Creative Responses.  We will learn more about tone and shade and how toused colour to show this, using the work of Helen Frankenthaler as our inspiration.


As designers, we will look at structures and explore the best shapes used to ensure a stable structure.  We will also use our Science knowledge to help us explore electrical systems, making different types of switches and creating a simple game involving an interruption in a circuit.


In PSHE, as good citizens we will be learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy.  We will think about the different relationships that we have with people and how we express our feelings.  We will also think about money and the importance of saving and budgeting.

At Home:

Microsoft Teams Review | PCMag

TEAMS - Please make sure that you regularly check the Class TEAMs page. 


As readers we will be continuing to read fluently with expression and intonation. We will be reading a range of genre including poetry, information texts, narrative extracts, newspaper reports and diary entries.

Reading is such an important part of a child's learning and can help them in all areas of curriculum.  Confident readers become confident writers!

 Children are expected to read at home at least five times a week.  

Child Reading Book PNG, Clipart, Art, Book, Boy, Cartoon, Child Free PNG  Download

Times Table Rock Stars  children that use this regularly at home make real improvements with their recall of multiplication and division facts. Please allow your child to access the website or app regularly at home as it has a noticeable impact for those using it regularly. Children are encouraged to go on TTRS at least three times a week. 

We also recommend going on .

This site will allow pupils to become more familiar with the assessment format they will be required to complete later on in the year. Click on the Multiplication Tables Check tab for this. They will have 6 seconds to complete each of 25 questions. 

There are also lots of times tables games to go on here too. 


 Home Time If your child is going home with someone other than yourself, please let us know.  This can be done by telling the teacher directly the day before,  phone or via email to . If this is not done, we may not be able to let them go home with someone different without inconveniencing you. 

Dressing for the weather - Please make sure that your child comes to school with a coat every day or sun hat/ sun cream as appropriate.

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