St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


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Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1 - Autumn Term

Welcome back to a new term at St James. I hope the children are feeling rested and recharged, ready for lots of new learning that will be taking place in year 1. 


Class Teacher - Miss Smith

Class TA - Ms Jones and Mrs Williams


In English we will be learning about sentence composition. We will look at what makes a good sentence and practise writing our own. We will continue to develop our phonic knowledge to support us in our reading and writing. We will then start to look at poems and setting descriptions in our work.  


Please read with your child at home as much as possible. It really does make a difference to their progress in class and will help your child to develop a love of reading. Please remember to send reading books/diaries into school with your child every day.



In maths we will be exploring numbers to 50. We will be using lots of different practical resources to help us, including numicon, dienes and number lines. We will look at how numbers are made using tens and ones, as well as one more and one less than a given number.


Phonics is a very important part of year 1 and your child will have a phonics lesson every day. We will learn new sounds, we will practise how to blend them when reading words and also how to spell words correctly. You can support your child by encouraging them to ‘sound out’ words when they are reading to you.


We will be experimenting with different ways of making marks. We will use a variety of tools to make marks on different surfaces.





In geography we will be looking at the continents and oceans of the world. We will be using rhymes and songs to help us remember them.   



We will look at our own lives and how we have changed since being a baby. We will explore toys associated with different age ranges and how they can be used.



In PE we will be learning gymnastic skills, including moving in different ways and jumping from equipment safely. We will also begin to learn some attacking and defending skills through simple games. 



In DT we will be looking at different moving toys. We will then make our own sliding picture by the end of the unit. 

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