Welcome to Class 3
Class 3 will be taught by Mrs Digby (Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Miss Lloyd (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday).
Mrs Upton is our Learning Support Assistant.
We are looking forward to a fun packed Summer Term and sharing your child's learning journey whilst encouraging them to enjoy ‘life in all its fullness’.
As mathematicians
As mathematicians we will be learning to –
- Recognise and use fractions as numbers.
- Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators.
- Add and subtract fractions.
We will also learn how to tell the time to 5 minutes and 1 minutes and apply this knowledge to finding the duration between given times.
Times tables will continue be a focus and will be practicing these skills in class during the week through a range of interactive learning activities. TIMES TABLES ROCK STARS is a great resource that can be logged on to at home. All children should know their log ins. Please encourage your child to login to this site regularly as it has been shown to have a big impact on their knowledge of timetables.
Children will learn strategies to help them improve their spelling ability.
We will have handwriting practice weekly where children will practice joining letters and continue to increase their consistency and quality of their handwriting .
As scientists
As scientists we will be learning about –
Children will be taught to...
- identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers
- explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant
- investigate the way in which water is transported within plants
Labelling belongings...
Please make sure that your child's belongings are labelled with their names, especially coats, cardigans and jumpers. We have trouble reuniting people with their lost property when it is not named. Thank you.
Summer 1
As athletes
Class 3 will be having PE every Thursday this half term and children should come into school dressed in their PE kit.
We will be learning –
Athletics and Cricket
We will be learning to jump in a variety of ways and improve this skill so we safely jump over apparatus with control and balance.
We will continue to practice our throwing skills by experimenting with a variety of throws.
P.E might take place outside so your child will need a warm tracksuit.
If possible, earrings should not be worn for PE. If this is not possible, please send micro-pore tape in with your child so that the earrings can be taped to avoid injuries.
As reflective individuals in PSHE
We will be exploring our ‘Relationships’. This unit looks at roles within families, friendships, being a global citizen and staying safe online.
As artists we will be learning to...
Create backgrounds
We will explore colour and space and learn techniques to create a negative space and explore foreground and background.
As musicians we will be learning to –
Identify hymns and sea shanties and how these songs have been used throughout history to boost morale. We will learn the concepts pitch and scale and apply these to our singing.
As historians we will continue to –
Learn about the Romans Empire and the impact it had on Britain. We will learn how the Romans lived, what technologies they invented and their beliefs.
As linguists we will be learning to –
Count up to 10, colours and how to say how we are feeling.
As designers we will be learning about –
How does food affect your body and mind?
We will explore the nutritional value of food and its effect on our physical and mental health. Pupils will practise methods for preparing a range of vegetables and apply these skills to create different dishes. We will learn how to change the texture and flavour of food by roasting and adding herbs and spices.
As writers
As writers we will be learning to–
Plan and write a story in the first person and include a range of writing techniques such as fronted adverbials, metaphors and good word choices to create an atmosphere.
We will also be focusing on editing our work to check we have selected the best work choices and punctuation has been used in the correct places.
As readers As readers we will be learning about – The Dancing Bear We will be reading and discussing The Dancing Bear written by Michael Morpurgo. We will continue to practice how to use what we have read from the text to accurately answer questions. |
It is so important that children read regularly at home. We expect that the children will read at least five times per week and that this is recorded in their reading diaries. This will enable children to receive a reading gem certificate and progress through these throughout the year.
As theologians
This unit will look at
How do festivals and worship show what matters to Jewish people?
We will be looking at the 10 commandments and talking about why they are important to Jewish people and we will make links with personal reflection and the festivals Jewish people celebrate.
As computing experts
In computing we will be learning about
Branching Databases.
Learners will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. They will use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects. Learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases. To conclude the unit, they will create an identification tool using a branching database, which they will test by using it. They will also consider real-world applications for branching databases.
If you have any questions or concerns please do get in contact.