St James C of E Primary School

St James C of E Primary School


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Vicarage Road, Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 2QN

Tel: 01432 273961

Class 5

Welcome to class 5

Class 5 is taught by Mrs. Dempster and Mrs Matli.

Supported by Mrs Wilby.

We have an exciting term planned for Spring with some wonderful activities and topics.

We will continue to encourage the class to enjoy 'life in all its fullness'.

We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are ready to start a new year refreshed and rested.

Class 5 Staff Team: Children will be taught by Mrs Dempster and Mrs Matli.

We will be supported by Mrs Wilby.



This term PE will be on a Monday. 

All children must have their full PE kit on for these lessons. Children can come to school on Mondays in their PE kit. Children with hair longer than their collar need to tie it up and children with earrings need to tape them or take them out.


Important information:

If your child is going home with someone other than a parent then please ensure you have written a note or spoken to someone in the office. Due to safeguarding we must have permission before allowing your child to go home with someone else.

- Children need to have a named drinks bottle in school every day. 

Unless the weather is unsafe to go out at playtime then your child will play outside so please ensure that you send in a named coat everyday.

- Now your child is in Class 5 they are able to walk home by themselves if we have written permission from a parent. 

What are we learning this term?

Maths: This half term the children will complete their work with measuring and drawing angles. We will then secure our understanding of addition and subtraction with 5-digit numbers.

English: We will look at the features of a synopsis before writing our own. We will then write a story set in the Ancient Maya culture.

Science: Earth and Space, we will be learning the position, movement and relationship of planets and spherical bodies. We will also explore the effect the Earth’s rotation, tilt and orbit has on day, night and seasons.

Geography : OS Maps - 4 and 6 figure grid references. 

History : We will continue learning about the Ancient Maya. Learning more about their culture, who they were and how they lived.

Art: Children will create their collages inspired by nature.

Computing: We will be learning about Videos, analysing the different techniques used for different purposes and then creating and editing our own videos.

RE: We will be learning about the Christian belief that Jesus was the Messiah.

Languages: French 

PE: The class will work together along with Laura Gayle to create a dance for the Moving Targets showcase at the Courtyard. They will choose their own music and theme for the dance.





Children are expected to read at home at least five times a week. The more reads they accumulate they will climb the reading gem ladder and receive a certificate for each one. They can earn a book at the end of the year if they have reached platinum.  

Times Tables

Children need to be practicing their times tables at least three times a week using Times Table Rock Stars. They all have had log ins sent home and stuck into their reading diaries. Please let us know if you are unable to access the site. 

 Class routines

Monday - PE Kit to be worn all day

Monday - Reading diaries to be checked and signed off.             

Every day- Please make sure that your child has their reading book and diary with them in school.

How can you help?

Children need to be using Times Table Rock Stars at home at least 3 times a week. If this is not possible then please see me.

Children need to read 5 times a week at home. Please ensure it is written into their reading diaries and signed by an adult.

Children also have access to a Doodle that is optional at home support.


What to do if things aren't going well?

Please don't hesitate to e-mail me with any concerns, no matter how big or small, you or your child have. We will always endeavor to respond as quickly as we can and offer any support.

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